Monday, March 30, 2009

Busy, Busy and Thoughts and Prayers Please :).

It’s been a busy few days here.  Friday was the MOMS Club® meeting.  It went pretty well.  I was a big surprised.  Usually it’s a little more chaotic but this time it wasn’t.  It was nice :).

Saturday I had a headache for most of the day but eventually it went away and I went to a friends house where she was hosting a craft night and I learned a little bit about scrapbooking and she and another friend gave me some stuff to use :).  I’d like to get more into it but man it can be expensive *sigh*.  It was a lot of fun!

Sunday was Church of course and the rest of the day was pretty lazy.  I went to bed late on Saturday night so I was tired most of the day Sunday.  I even took a nap and still went to bed early!  I was that tired LOL.

Today was really busy.  First I didn’t realize till last minute I had a meeting within MOMS Club® for something we are doing on April 25th.  So I had to rush to get out the door to get to that but it was nice.  I got to talk with some friends too and that’s always nice.

After that we came home and hubby went and took some Library books back for me and then we were all off to the Laundromat to do laundry.  Which is never really fun when you have a husband and two children along LOL.  Especially when said husband is in a rush ugh!

Why was hubby in a rush?  Because he wanted to get new tires put on our jeep.  He had to get there (he called them earlier) before 4:00 p.m. to get them put on and balanced and what not.  So he was a bit impatient at the Laundromat.  Sorry honey I can’t force the dryers to dry faster LOL. 

Just when I think things are not so busy something happens and we are out the door.  That’s ok though because I’d think I’d be board without all the running we do LOL.

Hubby has his job interview tomorrow.  Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers that he can get this job.  It might start off part-time and low pay but with it being a State Job it will get better.  We will just have to tighten our belts more than we have already but I know we will get through till then.  Thanks for the support everyone :).


Ami said...

:::crossing fingers:::

amysalli said...

well i am keeping my fingers croseed that the job interview went well and that he gets the job.

glad to hear that all else is going well.

Unknown said...

Good Luck to him tomorrow. I hope all goes well

CFC Flames '04 said...

Wishing him luck! He'll do great!

Julie said...

Good luck to hubby! I really hope he gets the job!!!

Unknown said...

I won a little basket with scrap book stuff in it, and I believe my daughter is giving me a small scrap book the next time I see her for my birthday, which is today. I miss reading your blog and I finally wrote something on mine. Long time coming. You are one very special woman and I think of you often. Hopefully, we can reconnect.