Saturday, January 31, 2009

I Got a New Toy

Well we did some shopping today.  We got our taxes back and we decided to stimulate the economy a little :).  We are still putting a good chunk of it away but hubby really did need a laptop for school and he also bough himself an MP3 player.  The boys got a couple things and I got some much needed make-up.  I am bad and only replace my make-up once a year instead of 3-6 months like it's recommended.  I just can't see spending that much money you know?  It's not like I use it a lot anyway.

I also got me a new camera.  I know I really didn't need a new camera but I have been wanting something like this one for a while and I don't often buy things for myself anyway.  It's cheaper than the one I originally wanted too LOL.  I feel a bit guilty getting it but Harlow told me too LOL.  Anyway it's a Fujifilm Finepix S1000fd.  Here is a site with a pic of it.... if you want to check it out.  Here are some pics I took with it today.  I plan to play with it more tomorrow to see all it can do :).

Please don't mind messy kitchen LOL.  We have been busy the last couple of days :).


Jarod and his dad :). 


This is my favorite one I took.  I still need to fiddle around with it to find things I like :).


Chord wanted me to take a pic of the "Star Wars" ship he built with his Lego's :).



Anonymous said...

Congrats on the new camera! I've been dreaming of getting one, but we can't afford it... We have other plans for our tax returns. *lol*

Carla said...

New cameras are always fun!!!

I'm just a wee bit jealous on already getting taxes back. We just found out that one paper we need from Dh's work (he was given stock in the company last year) will not get here until mid-March and we can NOT file before then. Humph. We're always Feb1st or earlier filers.

CFC Flames '04 said...

Oh, I love new cameras...and camera extras and pictures and toys and....oh sorry got carried away! Hee-hee -have fun with your new stuff. Our return is on it's way. Probably save most of it for vacation though.